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24/7 Supervision

24 Hour Home Care, sometimes called 24 Hour Live-in Care, is when a Carer moves into your or your loved one’s home to provide reassuring round the clock support.
Young Downs Syndrome Couple Sitting On Sofa Using Laptop At Home

24-Hour Home Care, sometimes called 24-Hour Live-in Care, is when a Carer moves into your or your loved one’s home to provide reassuring round-the-clock support. It’s our most comprehensive service available. As the name suggests, it provides you or your loved one with support at any time of the day or night.

24-hour Care at Home is a specific form of Live-in Care where support is provided both day and night. It’s a useful alternative to moving into a care home or supported living facility as a dedicated Carer is always available.

Standard Live-in Care usually involves one Live-in Carer who provides support a few times a night. 24 Hour Care is slightly different as it tends to involve two or more Live-in Carers. This is because care is provided without a break for added reassurance. Your 24 Hour Carers exchange shifts during the day, so one takes a break while the other continues to look after your needs.

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