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Digital Modern Caregivers
Broad Clinical Interviews
“I wish to acknowledge the impact I have received with my association with the Ebenezer Family. The Ebenezer Family, has been there for me from day one, when I moved from London to Derby. I have been part of this Family for more than 3 years now, and I have had a tremendous support both in and out of the office.”
Kwaku - Support Team Worker
“When I applied for a job with Ebenezer, I was looking for a place where I could learn and grow, as well as have a healthy work/life balance, and that’s exactly what I found. Management are incredibly supportive, and provide as much resources as possible to help people with their job role, from training to personal development.”
Haley – Team Leader
“This is the first time I’ve worked somewhere and actually been happy, felt listened to and worked with some of the best people (service users and other staff). I know that we all try each day to give the best care and support we can.”
James – Team Leader
We are proud to announce that on the 15th November we had an inspection from a CQC representative who made sure all of our businesses practices are up-to standard. On the 3rd December we received the report back stating that our business is run up-to standard and have therefore gotten a ‘Good’ result. From this point on we plan to make our business keep these standards and improve on them to be able to better our service and in the future achieve an ‘Outstanding’ report.